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Muharram Distribution for Homeless & Mentally Challenged - CHI

Muharram Distribution for Homeless & Mentally Challenged - CHI

Muharram Distribution for Homeless & Mentally Challenged – CHIChicago – Aug 15th, 2021Muharram Distribution for Homeless & Mentally Challenged – CHI

In honor of Holy Ten Days of Muharram, FZHH volunteers provided 110 Hot Meals & Goodie Bags to homeless & mentally challenged men and women living in Wilson Care – Chicago.

Hot Meals included – Slice of Pizza with Hot Dog & Water.

Goodie Bags included – Protein Bar, Trail Mix, Cheese Chips, Orange, Condiments, Wet Napkins & Plasticware.

Shokran to all those who supported and participated.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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2nd Annual Orphan School Supplies Drive Honoring Sayedina Uthman (as) - LA

2nd Annual Orphan School Supplies Drive Honoring Sayedina Uthman (as) - LA

2nd Annual Orphan School Supplies Drive Honoring Sayedina Uthman (as) – LALos Angeles 07/31/21 – FZHH Mobile Relief Van distribution and 2nd Annual Orphan School Supplies Drive.

In honor of Shahada of Sayedina Uthman ibn ‘Affan – Jami’ al Quran (Complier of Holy Quran), FZHH volunteers provided over 100 essential school supplies bags to orphan youths and underprivileged foster families under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi.

Recipients were given backpacks, pens, pencils, glue sticks, crayons, markers, scissors and stationary boxes.

In addition, children were given gourmet school themed cupcakes.

Thank you to all whom participated and supported.

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FZHH's Second Mobile Relief Van - LA

FZHH's Second Mobile Relief Van - LA

Los Angeles Van is Ready and in Service FZHH’s Second Mobile Relief Van – LAFZHH’s Second Mobile Relief Van – LAFZHH’s Second Mobile Relief Van – LAFZHH’s Second Mobile Relief Van – LA

Thank you to all those who contributed!

Please continue with your support so FZHH Relief Vans can have countless missions serving the homeless and the needy.

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Dhul Hijjah Distribution for Homeless & Mentally Challenged - CHI

Dhul Hijjah Distribution for Homeless & Mentally Challenged - CHI

Dhul Hijjah Distribution for Homeless & Mentally Challenged – CHIChicago – July 18th, 2021Dhul Hijjah Distribution for Homeless & Mentally Challenged – CHI

In honor of Holy Days of Dhul Hijjah, FZHH volunteers provided 60 Hot Meals & Goodie Bags to homeless & mentally challenged men and women living in Cornerstone Community Center & Wilson Care – Chicago.

Hot Meals included – Slice of Pizza with Hot Dog & Water.

Goodie Bags included – Protein Bar, Trail Mix, Cheese Chips, Orange, Fruit Juice, Condiments, Wet Napkins & Plasticware.

Thank you to all those volunteered and supported.

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Birthday of Shaykh Sharafuddin Daghestani (Q) – USA

Birthday of Shaykh Sharafuddin Daghestani (Q) – USA

Birthday of Shaykh Sharafuddin Daghestani (Q) – USALos Angeles – June 12th 2021Birthday of Shaykh Sharafuddin Daghestani (Q) – USA

In honor of Shaykh Sharafuddin Daghestani’s (Q) birthday, FZHH volunteers provided 40 care bags to needy men and women living in homeless encampments in Los Angeles. Under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi volunteers assembled care bags to include basic hygiene necessities such as toothpaste, toothbrush, hand sanitizer along with warm socks and snacks.

Thank you to all those volunteered and supported.

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Honoring Urs of Sayyidina Hamza (AS) – USA

Honoring Urs of Sayyidina Hamza (AS) – USA

Honoring Urs of Sayyidina Hamza (AS) – USALOS ANGELES – May 22nd 2021Honoring Urs of Sayyidina Hamza (AS) – USA

In honor of Urs Sayyidina Hamza (a.s) and under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, FZHH volunteers cooked, baked and delivered 45 warm dinners to Ascencia homeless & family shelter near Downtown Los Angeles. Residents were served BBQ chicken, rice, salad, chips and cake.

Please share in the immense blessings by supporting or volunteering in the efforts to feed and clothe our undeserved communities with love InshAlllah.

Thank you to all those whom volunteered and supported.

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Ramadan L.A Orphan Food Program – USA

Ramadan L.A Orphan Food Program – USA

FZHH – Ramadan L.A. Orphan Food Program

Los Angeles, April 24th – In honor of the blessed month of Ramadan, FZHH volunteers collected, packaged and distributed 30 family sized Ramadan gift baskets to orphaned children and their low income foster families.

The baskets included an assortment of snacks for the children to share in the sweetness of Ramadan. The families were also driven dawah brochures inviting them to the blessed teachings of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi.

Thank you to all those whom supported, volunteered and donated.

Please support and donate generously.

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Feeding the Homeless in Shaban - USA

Feeding the Homeless in Shaban - USA

?LOS ANGELES – March 27th 2021?
In honor of the holy month of Shaban FZHH volunteers cooked, baked and delivered 45 warm dinners to Ascencia Homeless & Family Shelter near Downtown Los Angeles.

Residents were served roasted chicken, rice, salad, chips and cupcakes. FZHH also provided warm socks for the shelter residents.

Please share in the immense blessings by supporting or volunteering in the efforts to feed and clothe our underserved communities InshAlllah.

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Urs of Sultanul Awliya Shaykh Nazim (Q) – USA

Urs of Sultanul Awliya Shaykh Nazim (Q) – USA

Urs of Sultanul Awliya Shaykh Nazim (Q) – USALos Angeles Food Program – 02/20/2021Urs of Sultanul Awliya Shaykh Nazim (Q) – USA

Urs Mubarak of Sultanul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Haqqani (Q) FZHH volunteers provided warm meals to over 100 people living in low income foster families in Los Angeles. Families were given a warm meal fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, hygiene items and gourmet cupcakes prepared by volunteer chefs. Additionally, families were given dawah material inviting them to the blessed teachings of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi.

Please support and donate generously.

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Birthday of Sayyiditina Fatima Zahra (as) - USA

Birthday of Sayyiditina Fatima Zahra (as) - USA

On 01/23/2021 and in honor of Seyda Fatima Zahra (A.S) birthday, FZHH L.A. worked with Pico Gardens public housing in East Los Angeles to provide 200 warm meals to the elderly and needy families. Guests were served kabobs, rice, salad and sweets. In addition, guests were given birthday cake and dawah materials inviting them to the blessed teachings of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi.

Shokran to all those supported and participated.

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