Mawlid 2024 Events - Donate Today Mawlid 2024 Events - Donate Today

Honoring URS of Beloved Sayyiditina Fatima az Zahra (as) by Distributing Essential Grocery Items to Youth Shelter – LA

Honoring URS of Beloved Sayyiditina Fatima az Zahra (as) by Distributing Essential Grocery Items to Youth Shelter – LA

Honoring URS of Shaykh Baba Samasi (Q) by Distributing 80+ Care Bags & Serving Pizza to Homeless Community – LA Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Honoring URS of Shaykh Baba Samasi (Q) by Distributing 80+ Care Bags & Serving Pizza to Homeless Community – LA

Los Angeles - In Honor of Blessed Urs (Union) of Sayidatina Fatimah al-Zahrā (ʿalayhi s-salām), FZHH volunteers under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi supplied Casa Youth Shelter with essential grocery items and food staples in effort to feed young destitute families needing a helping hand.

Ya Khaliq Bi Haqqi Sayidatina Fatimah al-Zahra (A.S)

Thank you to all whom supported. L.A. Naqshi’s please contact for volunteer opportunities Honoring Wiladat of Imam Ali (AS) by Distributing Care Bags & Serving Pizza & Water to Skid Row Residents – LA

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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