Mawlid 2024 Events - Donate Today Mawlid 2024 Events - Donate Today

Abuja, Nigeria - Participating in Mobile Food Rescue Program by Distributing Candy & Footwear to Less Privileged Children & Rice Bags to 10+ Less Privileged People

Abuja, Nigeria - Participating in Mobile Food Rescue Program by Distributing Candy & Footwear to Less Privileged Children & Rice Bags to 10+ Less Privileged People

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

al Hamdulillah under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, FZHH & its Abuja, Nigeria volunteers participated in our Mobile Food Rescue Program by distributing candy & footwear to less privileged children & rice bags to 10+ less privileged people.

MashAllah with Shaykh Nurjan's blessings, this distribution is dedicated to:

  • 🌹Holy Birthday & Passing of Sayyidina Muhammad al-Mustafa ﷺ - Beloved Holy Prophet & Messenger of Allah (AJ) & Mercy Upon Creation🌹
  • 🌹Holy Wiladat/Birthday of Shaykh Abdullah Faiz ad-Daghestani ق ع - Thirty Ninth Shaykh of The Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Golden Chain🌹
  • 🌹Holy Urs Sharif (Union) of Shaykh Muhammad az-Zahid ق ع - Twenty First Shaykh of The Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Golden Chain🌹
  • 🌹Holy Urs Sharif (Union) of Shaykh Ubaydullah al-Ahrar ق ع - Twentieth Shaykh of The Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Golden Chain🌹
  • 🌹Holy Urs Sharif (Union) of Shaykh Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani ق ع - Eleventh Shaykh of The Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Golden Chain🌹
  • 🌹Holy Urs Sharif (Union) of Shaykh Yaqub Yusuf al-Hamadani ق ع - Ninth Shaykh of The Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Golden Chain🌹

MashAllah with Shaykh Nurjan's blessings, distribution included:

  • Candy & Footwear
  • Rice Bags

MashAllah with Shaykh Nurjan's blessings, distribution was made to:

  • 10+ Less Privileged People
  • Less Privileged Children

Shokran to all the those whom donated and supported 🙏🏾.

Jummah Mubarak 🙏🏾.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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