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Help open a center in Los Angeles

los angeles masjid


The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.” [Bukhari]

You may have heard the American proverb ‘As California Goes, So Does the Nation’.  It is the notion that whatever starts in California will eventually spread across the United States and to a certain extent the World.  This is in part because California exerts the greatest influence on popular culture globally via it’s media hub in Hollywood and it’s technology/social media hub in Silicon Valley.  By consistently being on the cutting edge of sociological, technological, political and economic changes, they’ve attracted large demographics, making it the home state to America’s most internationally diverse population.



We believe that for our Dawah efforts (knowledge sharing) in Islamic Spirituality to be more effective, it is vital to open a masjid/mosque in California’s largest city – Los Angeles (LA).  Remarkably, Los Angeles’s nickname is known as the ‘City of Angels’!  So what better way to help this trend-setting city live up to it’s sobriquet than to open a centre purely for the Dhikr of Allah (remembrance of God)? Indeed it is known that Allah has created caravans of Angels that are doing nothing but desperately searching for the gatherings of the Dhikr of Allah.



Since 2017 we have been actively hosting both Dhikr and Charity events, to raise awareness of our Masjid project and encouraging participation in our fundraising efforts to collect funds.  Today we are close to having enough for the down payment of a Sufi Masjid (Mosque) in LA.  If you wish to help us reach our goal, then please donate by clicking the button below.  You may also support via Gharz Hassanat (interest free loan) – scroll below for more information. Once again, Los Angeles being the world headquarters for popular culture and media propagation, it is essential to have the Muhammadan Reality there, sharing the miraculous Heavenly Culture.

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