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Punjab, Pakistan – Khaoula Mousnid El Idrissi And Family – FZHH Water Well# 702

Punjab, Pakistan – Khaoula Mousnid El Idrissi And Family – FZHH Water Well# 702

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

“The first person who benefits from an act of charity is the benefactor himself, by seeing the changes in himself and in his manners, by finding peace, by watching a smile form on the lips of another person.” Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarhi

al Hamdulillah under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, FZHH & its Punjab, Pakistan volunteers installed another beautiful Water Well MashAllah.

Well no 702: This well is installed in Kho Patlo wala DG Khan Punjab Dedicated by Khaoula Mousnid El Idrissi And Family.

Shokran to all those who supported and participated.

Please continue with your support so FZHH can install many more Water Wells.

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