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Honoring the Blessed Day of Jummah by Rescuing Food & Distributing to Families in Need – LA

Honoring the Blessed Day of Jummah by Rescuing Food & Distributing to Families in Need – LA

Honoring URS of Shaykh Baba Samasi (Q) by Distributing 80+ Care Bags & Serving Pizza to Homeless Community – LA Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Honoring URS of Shaykh Baba Samasi (Q) by Distributing 80+ Care Bags & Serving Pizza to Homeless Community – LA

LOS ANGELES- 786- Alhamdulilah today’s food rescue catch through the blessings and guidance of Shaykh Nurjan MirahmadiFood went to needy familes in East Los Angeles public housing.

Thank you to all whom supported. L.A. Naqshi’s please contact for volunteer opportunities Honoring Wiladat of Imam Ali (AS) by Distributing Care Bags & Serving Pizza & Water to Skid Row Residents – LA

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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