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Honoring Wiladat of Beloved Sayyiditina Fatima az Zahra (as) by Serving 60+ Lunches to Homeless Community – CHI

Honoring Wiladat of Beloved Sayyiditina Fatima az Zahra (as) by Serving 60+ Lunches to Homeless Community – CHI

Honoring URS of Shaykh Baba Samasi (Q) by Distributing 80+ Care Bags & Serving Pizza to Homeless Community – LA Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Honoring URS of Shaykh Baba Samasi (Q) by Distributing 80+ Care Bags & Serving Pizza to Homeless Community – LA

🌹 Under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan, FZHH & its Chicago Volunteers honored Wiladat of Beloved Sayyiditina Fatima az Zahra (as) by serving 60+ Warm Meals at Two of Lincoln Park's Homeless Shelters.

Lunch Menu included Hot Beef Noodle Soup, Toasted Buttered Bread, Creamy Dill Salad, Blessed Strawberry Passion Red Velvet Ice Cream Birthday Cake. Drinks included Fresh Mango Nectar, Guava Nectar & Water Bottles.

Additionally, from Mawlana's surplus grocery, Chicago Volunteers cooked Beef Ribs for both locations so they can have it for their Dinner Service on the Blessed Birthday.

Al-Fatiha for the Blessed soul of Sayyiditina Fatima az Zahra (as)🤲

Shokran to all those who supported and participatedHonoring Wiladat of Imam Ali (AS) by Distributing Care Bags & Serving Pizza & Water to Skid Row Residents – LA.

Chicagoland area residents please contact Misbah at Chicago@fzhh.org for volunteer opportunities.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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