Mawlid 2024 Events - Donate Today Mawlid 2024 Events - Donate Today

Celebrating Holy Birthday of Sayida Zainab (AS) by Serving Pizza, Drinks & Dessert to Less Privileged & Homeless Community – CHI

Celebrating Holy Birthday of Sayida Zainab (AS) by Serving Pizza, Drinks & Dessert to Less Privileged & Homeless Community – CHI

Celebrating Holy Birthday of Sayida Zainab (AS) by Serving Pizza, Drinks & Dessert to Less Privileged & Homeless Community – CHI Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Celebrating Holy Birthday of Sayida Zainab (AS) by Serving Pizza, Drinks & Dessert to Less Privileged & Homeless Community – CHI

FZHH celebrated Holy Birthday of Sayida Zainab (AS) by serving Pizza, Drinks, & Dessert to 60 less priviledged & homeless community at Lincoln Park Community Services in Chicago.

Cheese Pizza was served with Chips, Soda & Blessed Birthday Cake. Residents of the Community were also provided with Chocolate Chip Cookies & Fruit Juice Boxes as an after meal snack.

Shokran to all those who supported and participated.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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