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Punjab, Pakistan - Honoring Wiladat/Holy Birthday of Sayyidina Imam Mūsā al-Kāẓim ع by Setting Up Free Medical Camp at Flood Site, Treating Flood Victims & Providing of Free Medicine

Punjab, Pakistan - Honoring Wiladat/Holy Birthday of Sayyidina Imam Mūsā al-Kāẓim ع by Setting Up Free Medical Camp at Flood Site, Treating Flood Victims & Providing of Free Medicine

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (S.A.W)

al Hamdulillah under the blessed guidance of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, FZHH & its Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan volunteers honored Wiladat/Holy Birthday of Sayyidina Imam Mūsā al-Kāẓim ع by setting up free medical camp at flood site, treating flood victims & providing of free medicine.

The on-ground volunteers have witnessed the aftermath of Pakistan's worst flooding and have seen entire villages being wiped out and left with nothing but large amounts of sand.

Please consider this as an urgent appeal from FZHH Pakistan to raise funds so the following necessary items can be locally purchased & distributed to the flood victims:

  • Clean Drinking Water
  • Essential Groceries
  • Medical Camp with Supplies
  • Clothing & Shoes for Kids
  • Blankets & Sheets

Shokran to all the those whom donated and supported 🙏🏾.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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