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Honouring First Friday of Muharram with Distribution of Meals - PK

Honouring First Friday of Muharram with Distribution of Meals - PK

Celebrating URS of Shaykh Amir Kulal (Q) by Distributing 200+ Snack Bags to Less Privileged Community – CANIn Honour of the first Friday of MuharramCelebrating URS of Shaykh Amir Kulal (Q) by Distributing 200+ Snack Bags to Less Privileged Community – CAN

FZHH volunteers distributed over 100 meals — including Rice, Juice and Dessert— at the Maqam of Hazrat Shah Miskin Amri (RA) and Hazrat Sayed Hayder Ali Shah Qalandar (RA), Lahore.

Shokran to all those who supported and participated.

Please continue to show your love by supporting these FZHH programs.

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